Thursday, November 24, 2011

Web firms protest over police plans to cut off websites

Internet firms and campaigners are protesting against government-backed proposals that would allow police to cut off websites without any court oversight, claiming they threaten free speech online. 


Police launched a murder investigation after a man was shot dead.  

Nominet, the not-for-profit company that runs the .uk domain registry, has been in talks with Scotland Yard and the Serious Organised Crime Agency to create “lightweight” and “time-effective” procedures to suspend web addresses accused of criminal activity.

It has already cut off access to thousands of websites accused of involvement in fraud and counterfeiting on the basis of information provided by investigators via informal channels.
Draft proposals to continue the regime have now prompted protests from internet firms, who have refused to support them unless formal court action is part of the process.

Nominet controls the .uk registry within the Domain Name System, which translates the numerical IP addresses that identify computers online into readable web addresses. If a web address is suspended all links to it are broken and users are also unable to reach it by typing the address into their browser.

Both the ISP Association, which represents broadband providers including BT and Virgin Media, and LINX, a major cooperative of internet traffic carriers, have refused to support Nominet’s draft proposals.

“This is about knowing what the bounds are,” said Malcolm Hutty, head of policy at LINX.
There are fears that Nominet would gradually be told to cut off more websites accused of lesser transgressions, such as copyright infringement. Law enforcement authorities have also resisted calls to publish lists of the websites they target for suspension.

The industry protests are backed by the Open Rights Group, an online rights campaign group, which has also been involved in the discussions and says Nominet’s plan threatens freedom of expression.

“Domain suspensions are pretty drastic, potentially shutting down people's businesses and curtailing their free expression,” said Jim Killock, the group’s director.
“That's why court orders are needed. This is about basic human rights, due process and legal certainty.”

Today Nominet said it would delay action on the draft proposals to try to address the concerns.
“We had hoped to submit a proposed policy to our board in the December time-frame but following some recent public feedback it is clear that there are issues that require further discussion,” a spokesman said.

“Our approach from the outset has been to seek consensus where possible.”
He added that further talks are now planned for January. If agreement cannot be found it is thought police could lobby for new powers to impose web address suspensions to be included in the forthcoming Communications Bill.

A spokesman for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport said: "Nominet are currently developing proposals to change their terms and conditions to deal with domain names connected to criminal activity.

“They are working with a broad range of interested parties and the Government will continue to be part of that process.”


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