Monday, December 20, 2010

Twitter: judge approves micro-blogging from court

Tweets and text messages can be sent from courtrooms after the country's most senior judge approved the use of digital communication technology. 


Anyone wanting to use Twitter from a courtroom will first need the permission of the judge   
Reporters, bloggers and members of the public will even be able to sit in courts and surf the internet on their laptops for the first time – so long as they are quiet. 

Lord Judge, the Lord Chief Justice, issued guidance allowing modern technology in the country's courts despite concerns that it could put some criminal trials at risk.
But despite his consent, use of Twitter and other digital technology will still require the approval of the relevant judge in each case.
They will reserve the right to refuse if there are concerns over justice and a fair trial.

Judges may also decide to restrict its use to reporters and not those in the public gallery.

Last week, a London magistrate issued the first formal approval to use Twitter during the bail hearing of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks.

Judge Howard Riddle said it could go ahead, provided it was "quiet and doesn't disturb anything", but a judge hearing the appeal three days later refused a similar request.

Photography and sound recording of cases is still banned but the guidance is the most significant change in how court cases can be reported since the Contempt of Court Act 1981.

Lord Judge accepted the risk to the "proper administration of justice" was at its highest in criminal trials where witnesses outside the courtroom could find out what is being said inside before being called to give evidence, he warned.

He said: "The judge has an overriding responsibility to ensure that proceedings are conducted consistently with the proper administration of justice, and so as to avoid any improper interference with its processes.

"There is no statutory prohibition on the use of live text-based communications in open court.

"But before such use is permitted, the court must be satisfied that its use does not pose a danger of interference to the proper administration of justice in the individual case.

"Subject to this consideration, the use of an unobtrusive, hand-held, virtually silent piece of modern equipment for the purposes of simultaneous reporting of proceedings to the outside world as they unfold in court is generally unlikely to interfere with the proper administration of justice."

He went on: "The normal, indeed almost invariable, rule has been that mobile phones must be turned off in court.

"An application, whether formally or informally made (for instance, by communicating a request to the judge through court staff) can be made by an individual in court to activate and use a mobile phone, small laptop or similar piece of equipment, solely in order to make live text-based communications of the proceedings.

"When considering, either on its own motion, or following a formal application or informal request, whether to permit live text-based communications, and if so by whom, the paramount question will be whether the application may interfere with the proper administration of justice.

"The most obvious purpose of permitting the use of live, text-based communications would be to enable the media to produce fair and accurate reports of the proceedings.

"Without being exhaustive, the danger to the administration of justice is likely to be at its most acute in the context of criminal trials – eg, where witnesses who are out of court may be informed of what has already happened in court."

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